15 Temmuz 2010 Perşembe

Periyodik Ates ve PFAPA okuma listesi - 4

  • Tonsillectomy for management of PFAPA - Article Outline by Sarah Long, J. of Pediatrics Volume 155, Issue 2, Page A1 (August 2009)
    Su cümleye dikkat: "Finally, although the observation of rapid defervescence of an episode with administration of a corticosteroid was used as a diagnostic criterion for PFAPA in the study by Garavello et al, caution is warranted as the specificity of such a response has not been tested. Corticosteroid can cause rapid defervescence in febrile infections as well as periodic fevers due to other autoinflammatory diseases (such as tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome or hyperimmunoglobulinemia D syndrome)."
  • Surgery found to cure mysterious, unexplained fevers

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